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Vaping Products

What Causes Coughing After Vaping

Vaping has gained popularity as a trendy alternative to smoking over the past few years. Many people who want a different way to get nicotine or who enjoy smoking without tobacco will find vaping appealing. It comes in a variety of flavors and seems like a healthier option. Still, many vapers have a typical problem which is coughing. This irritation might compromise the whole vaping experience and confuse new users sometimes. 

Knowing the reasons for this pain will assist you to solve it and improve the vaping experience. Improving your experience and appreciating the advantages of this modern substitute depends on knowing why vaping can induce coughing. The causes of vaping-related coughing will be discussed in this post together with remedies to help you reduce this discomfort.

What is coughing, and why does it occur?

Coughing is a characteristic reflex which helps in the minimization of irritations, bodily fluid, or unfamiliar particulates from the aviation routes. The body uses this mechanism to keep the respiratory system clear and working properly. When something irritates the lungs, bronchial tubes, or throat, the body expels air vigorously to remove it. Many things can set this off, including allergies, infections, or inhaling foreign chemicals. 

Regular Coughing vs. Coughing Caused by Vaping


Regular Coughing

Coughing Caused by Vaping


Various factors

Inhalation of chemicals in e-liquid


Less than 3 weeks

Weeks or months

Type of cough

Wet or dry

Dry cough


Other symptoms


Fever, runny nose, congestion, sore throat

Shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, mouth and throat irritation


Causes of Coughing After Vaping

  1. Content of Nicotine

Strong nicotine content in e-liquid can aggravate the throat and cause coughing. Natural irritant, nicotine causes a stronger reaction in your airways at higher dosages. This can cause coughing as your body attempts to eliminate the irritation, feeling in the throat like an itchy or burning sensation.

  1. PG/VG Ratio

The majority of e-liquids are composed of Propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG). The vapor that you exhale is derived from these fundamental molecules.

  •         Propylene Glycol (PG): PG, which is similar to smoking, is a more watery liquid that effectively transports flavor and provides a more powerful "throat hit." PG might, however, aggravate the throat particularly at higher dosages and cause coughing.
  •         Vegetable Glycerin (VG): VG is a thinner liquid with nicer tongue feel yet generates bigger vapor clouds. It lacks taste as PG does.

For some persons, a higher PG ratio (more PG than VG) in your e-liquid can intensify their throat discomfort and coughing.

  1. Inhalation Technique

Utilizing vaping and smoking requires unmistakable breathing in procedures. 

  •         Smoking: When one smokes, they typically inhale directly into their lungs. 
  •         Vaping: Inhaling vapor through the mouth before breathing it into the lungs or directly into the lungs (direct-to-lung). 

Particularly for beginners, poor inhaling technique might cause coughing. Strong or direct inhaling into the lungs might aggravate the throat and airways, therefore inducing a cough reflex.

  1. Allergies and Sensitivities

Some people may have allergies or sensitivity to components in e-liquids, such flavorings, additives, or even PG itself. Part of the body's immunological reaction, these allergies can cause coughing.

  1. Dehydration

Vaping can result in dry throat and higher coughing risk by means of dehydration. Because the PG in e-liquids is hygroscopic, that is, attracts moisture. Your mouth and throat may dry up as a result, increasing your coughing susceptibility. Drinking lots of water will help to reduce this problem by keeping one hydrated.

  1. Device Problems

Your vaping experience and maybe coughing could be impacted by wattage settings of devices.

  •         High Wattage: Using a wattage level too high for your coil will generate hot vapor irritating the throat and causing coughing.
  •         Inappropriate Device Maintenance: The device may burn the e-liquid from a filthy coil or blocked airflow channel, producing strong vapors and coughing.
  •         Airflow Settings: Another change might come from varying the airflow. While more airflow offers a smoother experience, more limited airflow might produce a stronger hit.

Advice on How to Minimize Coughing While Vaping

Vaping shouldn't induce persistent coughing. If you find yourself in this state, it indicates something could need change. These pointers might be useful:

  1. Change the nicotine level

Cut the nicotine strength: high amounts aggravate the throat. The coughing may stop if you gradually reduce your nicotine intake from 18 milligrams to 12 milligrams. 

  1. Test the PG/VG Proportion
  •         Find your Sweet Spot: Propylene glycol (PG) has a better throat punch, despite the fact that it may be unpleasant. Though less flavorful, Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is smoother. Try many PG/VG ratios e.g., 70VG/30PG to strike a compromise that reduces coughing.
  1. Master Proper Inhalation:
  •         Mouth-to-Lung (MTL): Like smoking a cigarette, inhale vapor first into your mouth then draw it into your lungs. This treats the throat all the more delicately.
  •         Direct-Lung (DL): Breathe vapours straight into your lungs. If you cough often, steer clear of this more aggressive approach.
  1. Stay Hydrated:

Vaping can cause dehydration, which would dry your throat and cause more coughing. To keep your throat moist and moisturized, make sure you sip enough water all through the day. This little action will help to significantly lower the chance of coughing following vaping.

  1. Determine and Avoid Allergens: 
  •         Look for sensitivities: some persons in e-liquids are allergic to flavors or additives. Different brands or unflavored e-liquids will help you find possible allergens.
  1. Maintaining and modifying your device:
  •         Routinely clean your device: Coughing and charred vapours may result from a dirty coil or blocked airflow path. Following manufacturer directions, routinely clean your coil and gadget.
  •         Choose the correct wattage: heated vapour can result from using too high a wattage for your coil. For your coil, check the suggested wattage range and modify your device settings in line.

Following these guidelines will help you to discover a smooth and pleasurable vaping experience free from coughing. See a healthcare expert to rule out any underlying illnesses if coughing continues.

Final Thought

Many users of e-liquids, especially PG content—have a common problem: coughing upon vaping, usually related to issues including high nicotine levels, poor inhaling techniques, allergies, dehydration, and device settings. Adjust nicotine levels, try different PG/VG ratios, master inhalation, stay hydrated, detect sensitivities, and maintain vape equipment to stop coughing. Vaping reactions vary, so experimenting may be needed to find the best solution. Finally, ensure that your equipment is free of any dirt or debris and adhere to the recommended power limits. Do not let a cough deter you; with experimentation, you will find the optimal configuration for a seamless and enjoyable vaping experience.
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